Day in the life of a BA System Specialist: Tabitha Lee
After a new building has been constructed, the question starts to pop up of how will this same building be maintained. How can this building continue to run for years to come? That’s where a building automation (BA) system specialist steps in.
BA system specialists perform system testing, create project graphics and ensure every detail and issue is recorded, tracked, and addressed, making the systems inside of the building run as efficiently as possible. They make sure the building will support the people occupying it – keeping them comfortable and healthy.
Tabitha Lee, a lead BA systems specialist at Harris, has been in the construction industry for 10 years. She began her career with Harris as a system specialist, where she received mentoring and learned how to run various testing on building’s BA systems. She decided to pursue this career because of her interest in learning how machinery operates and how she could improve it. She attended Hennepin Technical College and received her associate degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology.
Lee explains, “When I was interviewed, Harris was looking for someone who was willing to be trained to be a technician. It’s pretty common for a controls specialist to receive training. Training includes taking HVAC classes, which will give you knowledge of how systems work, as well as programming and sequencing training.” She says learning about both the commercial and residential aspects of the industry helped start her career.
BA system specialists have unique days depending on the projects they are working on. Typically, Lee starts each day with a team meeting.
“Our team meetings typically include electricians and technicians,” says Lee. “We review what everyone is working on and discuss if anyone needs help on a project. As part of my role, I also travel onsite to jobsites to help solve any problems that there may be.”
As a lead BA systems specialist, Lee serves as a mentor to the newer specialist in the company. She thoroughly enjoys the opportunity to bring them out to projects to teach them and help them gain new skills.
BA systems specialists have the opportunity to collaborate with different departments across Harris. Lee shares that she attends project meetings with Harris’ construction team regarding turnover and bidding as well as reviews information with the sales department every few weeks.
“This position is very collaborative,” says Lee. “As a BA system specialist, I really get to know my fellow Harris employees.”
Lee says her main responsibilities are leading the team, project managing and making sure that our customer relationships are strong. She also plays an important role in the finer details.
“In-house, I create graphics of client’s buildings that allow us to plan for
Lee states that customer relationships are extremely important for project success. Creating positive work relationships is a part of our culture and shows clients what we value, she says. She also shares how Harris is always willing to work with customers to help solve any problem they may have. At job sites, Lee makes sure to develop a relationship with all stakeholders to have genuine connections with the client.
What does Lee say about finding success in this role and the construction industry?
“For someone to be successful in this field it is beneficial to have a technical interest or background. Have passion to learn something new and then take that knowledge and run with it. My best advice is to adapt quickly to your environment and allow your drive to help you learn along the way. Harris is also committed to training and investing in your learning.”
To keep up-to-date in the Building Automation industry, Lee has navigated to find the best strategies to stay informed. She says the BA industry has changed from different types of controls work to more networking and IT focus.
“The industry is ever-changing and continuing to move towards the IP infrastructure,” she adds. “Learning about firewalls and working with IT groups from your client’s company to enter the back system as needed is another step in customer relations. This requires a trusting relationship and becoming one with the IT group.” To stay updated on the latest news Lee attends conferences with Honeywell and KMC. She completes online training and watches videos to stay current on new products.
The typical career path for a BA system specialist includes:
Level one: This role is considered to be a trainee and gets paired with a higher-level BA systems specialist for the day-to-day basics. Skill sets that you will learn include troubleshooting and field work. Level one’s learn about different expertise and what Harris does as a whole.
Level two: This position starts to branch out more and take on projects with direction from project management. The individual will have the opportunity to train a level one and conduct more sequence testing and troubleshooting. They become more liable for their responsibilities.
Level three: At this level, the specialist starts to take on projects of their own. This includes using design graphics from designers and implementing them in the field. Level threes can train up to two people.
As a woman in a male-dominated industry, Lee has found a company where she is treated like an equal regardless of gender. She advises fellow women to, “Keep at it. It can be hard for women in this industry. I ran into issues myself in a previous work experience. I kept at it and didn’t let any negativity get to me. Then I found Harris and the team treated me as their own. It was great finding a place where I could thrive. Find the place that treats you as an equal.”
Lee’s greatest Harris accomplishment has been becoming a leader on her team.
“I love working with people and helping them grow in their career. Harris is a fun place to be. I enjoy working here. Days can be stressful, but you have your team to support you. We’re very family oriented. As we’re working on projects, if questions arise we know we can call on each other. We are continually learning from each other to improve outcomes for our clients.”
If you’re interested in becoming a BA system specialist check out our opportunities here: Link
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