The Real Harris: Meet Jena Willson
Tell us about your background. How did you get your start in the construction/service/BAS business?
I was literally born into it. My grandfather owned one of the biggest HVAC businesses here in Vegas. My dad, brothers, cousins are all in the business. It’s in my blood.
What drew you to Harris? What makes you stay?
Word of mouth. I heard what an awesome company it was to work with, hence why I am still here.
What do you enjoy about working at Harris (what about the company itself made you want to work here)?
The people I work with. We seriously have an amazing team. We just get along. We are serious and get the work done but have fun while doing it.
What is the best part about your position (the day-to-day, people, a special project you were involved with)?
Working in a fast-paced environment. The service department allows me to do that. HVAC is a want, not a need so we are always in demand.
What traits do you think are important for someone in your role to be successful?
Organization and thinking fast/problem solving skills.
What are you passionate about at work?
Making sure the job is done right and the customer is happy, while walking away with a profit.
How do you like to re-charge?
Walk away/take a break, or what my kids call it a “brain break”. Sometimes changing your view and mindset is the best way to gain a new perspective.
What keeps you up at night?
Better questions is, what DOESN’T keep me up at night?
What are you most proud of at Harris?
The progress we have made as a team.
What is one thing Harris employees wouldn’t know about you?
I’m a huge nerd… DC/Marvel/Harry Potter/Fantasy/Manga, you name it, I’m probably proficient.
What do you wish the public knew about Harris?
What an amazing company they are to work with. I came from a family-owned company, and I feel more at home here.
What inspires you? What motivates you?
My kids and my husband. They are my world.
Categories: Blog