The Real Harris: Meet Kayla Jernigan
Tell us about your background. How did you get your start in the construction/service/BAS business? Before Harris, I was working as a graduate researcher at a nonprofit that focused on getting more women into technology roles. I spent a lot of time reading about how computer science and information technology are empowering fields to get into! As time went by, I decided to make the switch from academia to tech. Doing so within the construction field further appealed to me because OneHarris is always growing and taking on exciting new projects.
What drew you to Harris? A friend of mine knew I wanted to get my start in IT, and I am grateful for her mentorship. After explaining her own path into the industry and sending me courses on programming and other computer skills, I was inspired to get my foot in the door at Harris. I love that the Harris team brings in inspiring people who are hungry and eager to learn.
What do you enjoy about working at Harris? I have really enjoyed getting to know the other employees at Harris. Unlike some other IT positions, I can assist the same people regularly, rather than only working with strangers. I like that I can build a relationship with different employees and that we get to know each other as I help them. That builds a lot of trust and leads to a great work environment. Employees know that I will fix the problem and can rely on me and my teammates to keep everything running as smoothly as possible.
What is the best part about your position? Ultimately, the feeling you get when solving a major problem. When you have been battling an issue for days and finally find a solution that makes everything work again, you get a rush from the accomplishment that makes it all worth it. I love fixing things, and I love discovering new methods to solve some of our reoccurring problems.
What traits do you think are important for someone in your role to be successful? Be someone other people want to work with. At the end of the day, people remember how you made them feel, not exactly what you did, so always be kind and respectful. You can be highly intelligent and great at your job, but if you can’t work well with others, you won’t last long.
What are your main responsibilities and initiatives that you lead? We have a Helpdesk at Harris that provides support to all our employees’ computer and technology needs. My job is to respond to these requests. I often remote into other peoples’ computers to resolve errors, install software, troubleshoot hardware problems, etc. Outside of taking general helpdesk tickets, I am responsible for resolving some of the higher-level issues with applications such as COINS, CIM, Results, Quickpen/Trimble, IESVE, and Bluebeam. I work with our vendors to troubleshoot any issues, as well as creating documentation on these issues and training out the resolution process to the rest of the Helpdesk team.
What are you passionate about at work? I’m really focused now on learning everything I can about the software and applications we use, along with studying for certificates and working with our systems and business analysts to learn how they resolve higher-level problems. I’m grateful to have a career that provides me with so many opportunities for growth.
How do you like to re-charge? I unwind by creating new things. My home is full of art projects, sewing machines, fabric, paint, clay, glass, wire, etc. I’m always making something new and cycling between different mediums.
What keeps you up at night? I am a night owl and tend to stay up late. I’m usually awake at night listening to music, making art, reading, or playing video games.
What are you most proud of at Harris? I’m proud of how much the IT department has improved in the year since I started. Although I love getting positive feedback about my individual contributions, I’m much prouder of the comments we get stating how great we are as a team, especially from people who have been at Harris for years. We’ve transformed into a team capable of solving all day-to-day issues, fixing long-standing problems that previously had no solution, streamlining processes to save time and money. On top of that, we do it all with a smile and a kind word. I’m so proud of our team and how far we have come.
What is one thing Harris employees wouldn’t know about you? I have a great record collection. I have many of the sought-after classics like Dark Side of the Moon, The Velvet Underground & Nico, Rumors, and Are You Experienced. I collect old bootlegs taken from live concerts too, along with all my favorites from the 60’s and 70’s like Coven, Led Zeppelin, Heart, Steve Miller Band, Steppenwolf, and the Allman Brothers. I also collect new vinyl from modern artists like MGMT, Massive Attack, and Grimes.
What drew you to this industry? I was looking for a change of pace after academia and the non-profit world. It’s exciting to work in a field that’s this fast-paced, especially when I get to see the physical outcome of all the work we do.
What do you wish the public knew about Harris? Harris is a great place to work! Many people have seen the “Top Workplaces” award in many of our email signatures, and I think more people will become aware of this as Harris expands and takes on new projects.
What inspires you? What motivates you? My wife. I’m the luckiest person in the world to have her, and everything I do is with her in mind. I am motivated to continue to grow in my career so that we can continue to build a life together, buy a house, and travel the world.
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