The Real Harris: Meet Leslie Becker
Tell us about your background. How did you get your start in the construction/service/BAS business?
I started as a carpenter apprentice in the Local 1977 in Las Vegas, I moved into safety on a bunch of Army Corps of Engineers projects and was recruited into HVAC and sales by my previous employer.
What drew you to Harris? What makes you stay?
I had met Dan Espy years ago on a job walk and received a phone call from Dan to come and work for him. At the time I wasn’t ready but when I was, I knew to call him! Dan flew me to St. Paul where I met with Bob, Michel, James, Todd and Brenda. I left there with a job offer and it was the best decision I ever made. The people and the culture keep me here!
What do you enjoy about working at Harris?
I am obsessed with the people at Harris. They are my family. I am surrounded by so much knowledge, and we have fun doing what we love.
What is the best part about your position (the day-to-day, people, a special project you were involved with)?
The best part about my day to day is the relationships with my teammates.
What traits do you think are important for someone in your role to be successful?
Drive, empathy, understanding the best way to communicate with every individual that you come in contact with.
What are your main responsibilities and initiatives that you lead?
I lead an awesome team here in Las Vegas. I have 3 new people on my team, so a great onboarding plan is key and having everyone in our boat rowing in the same direction and helping each other to be successful as individuals.
What are you passionate about at work?
Serving our clients our team members and helping Harris grow! Thinking outside the box!
How do you like to re-charge?
Meditation, meditation, meditation, recovery and Pilates
What keeps you up at night?
I tend to take on other people’s energy. If someone is struggling, I definitely lose sleep over that.
What are you most proud of at Harris?
The fact that I get to be part of something so special. I have been given such amazing opportunities and have become part of a really big family.
What is one thing Harris employees wouldn’t know about you?
I was a cheerleader in high school and was voted Best Personality.
What drew you to this industry?
Honestly, I was recruited into this industry by a competitor, and I will be forever grateful to them.
What do you wish the public knew about Harris?
That we are a force to be reckoned with!!
What inspires you? What motivates you?
My spirituality, my husband, my kids, my Harris family, my recovery and my community.
Categories: Blog