The Real Harris: Meet Mary Becker
What led you to this Industry?
“I had worked for a painting contractor for several years, doing accounting and estimating as well as working in the field. After leaving there, I worked in a manufacturing facility and was looking for a different opportunity. My experience with reading blueprints, estimating and accounting helped me get in the door at Harris.
What do you love about Harris?
“I love that Harris is a family. Where people care about each other, are always willing to help, and cheer each other on. Harris believes in continuous learning and improvement. I appreciate the opportunities that I have been given to learn new skills and move up in the company. I also love that they are never satisfied with being good enough. I have a bit of a competitive personality and I want to work for the best. There’s also such pride in being able to drive by a building and say, “I helped build that!” I have always liked knowing how things go together and why they work the way they do and this job lets me learn more every day.
What is the best part of your position, what are your main responsibilities?
“I have a very unique position in the company, having worked in both accounting and project management. The best part of this for me is that it has allowed me to get to know people all over the country and I am able to help them understand the system and be more successful. As a project manager, I am responsible for making sure our field people have everything they need (materials and information) to be successful on the projects I run. I’m also responsible for communicating with the project team and our office staff, managing the finances, and documenting the project.
I also work with the estimating group and help mentor our project assistant as he learns the tasks I used to do. I helped to create and lead the training for our Coins Accounting System and have also been involved in many initiatives, such as the P3 training for project managers, evaluating options for the next Harris Business System and was previously a part of the Talent and Culture Focus Group. I enjoy making sure everyone has the information and tools they need to be successful. I feel like most people have a lot of potential but they need to be given the opportunities to stretch beyond the status quo.”
What is something Harris employees may not know about you?
“I love to travel and learn about the history of the places I visit. Not the dates and names from the history books, but the stories behind why it happened and the everyday people who made a difference. I will also travel from coast to coast (or even to Norway!) to watch my son throw heavy things.”
What helps you be successful, or what keeps you up at night?
“I think being flexible and being able to multi-task are extremely important. Also, we continuously learn every day, no matter how long we have been here. Being able to learn those lessons and apply them to the next project, where you have a similar circumstance, is crucial to your success. At night, if I do wake up, I’ll remember the things I didn’t get done. It really bothers me if I have made a mistake or let things fall through the cracks.”
What motivates you?
Watching the girls in our Girl Scout troop push through challenges to get things done. I’ve been a leader with this troop for 6 years (since Kindergarten). You expect to see them learn skills like how to build a fire to cook their dinner, or pitch a tent, but when you see them all gather around the one afraid of the storm and some give hugs and some tell jokes to distract, and none make fun of her or put her down, one even runs out in the downpour to close up the tent, you know they are becoming amazing little humans. If I need to recharge personally, my favorite way is to spend time with my family, especially my grandchildren.”
What do you wish the public knew about the company?
“I wish the public knew more about how innovative Harris is. I have seen some amazing ideas from every level and division. You give them an idea of what you want and they will figure out a way to build it. I’m proud of our reputation for quality craftsmanship and reliability. We’re the people they call when they need a job done right and on time.”
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