The Real Harris: Meet Mike Kent
Tell us about your background. How did you get your start in the construction/service/BAS business?
I’m a certified aircraft mechanic that always helped my father with building automation. Working together for 30+ years taught me many aspects of the business.

What drew you to Harris? What makes you stay?
The people and cultural alignment drew me to Harris. Helping Harris grow the Building Automation team to achieve greatness is why I remain here.
What do you enjoy about working at Harris (what about the company itself made you want to work here)?
I enjoy the culture, teamwork and collaboration at Harris.
What is the best part about your position (the day-to-day, people, a special project you were involved with)?
My position allows me to help people and make a difference. Of course, the people and relationships are important, but saving customers energy and money is gratifying.
What traits do you think are important for someone in your role to be successful?
Seeing the good in people and maintaining a positive outlook is very important.
What are your main responsibilities and initiatives that you lead?
Obtaining consistently profitable building automation projects to grow the business.
What are you passionate about at work?
Helping people, helping save energy, helping customers improve their buildings and profiting from it.
How do you like to re-charge?
Spending time with family, playing ice-hockey and golfing helps me re-charge.
What keeps you up at night?
Being unprepared. Our business focus is being accurate and precise. Being a perfectionist makes that difficult.
What are you most proud of at Harris?
We are resilient.
What is one thing Harris employees wouldn’t know about you?
I’m a heavy metal drummer.
What drew you to this industry?
Stability. Everyone needs to be comfortable.
What do you wish the public knew about Harris?
Our culture is very attractive for new employees.
What inspires you? What motivates you?
I enjoy helping people and am motivated by teamwork.
Categories: Blog