Xcel Allen S. King Generating Station
Harris played a vital role in the upgrades of the 588-megawatt Allen S. King Generating Station and completed two contracts to install and upgrade equipment. The first project consisted of process piping installation for the new air quality control system (AQCS) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) equipment at the single-unit coal-fired generating plant. This contract included process pipe for the ammonia, lime and ash handling systems, as well as lubrication equipment and various utility systems.
The second contract included installing process pipe for the Balance of Plant project. This contract consisted of process pipe and equipment for the steam, condensate, cooling water and feed water processes for the 550-megawatt facility. This project ties into several systems of the new AQCS and SCR.
After the upgrades were completed, the Allen S. King Plant emissions were significantly reduced and output increased by 60 megawatts.