Confidential Data Centers

Harris has been serving one of the world’s largest cloud storage providers for several years and has become a trusted partner for their critical data center campuses in northern Virginia and Ohio. All projects for this owner are evaporative cooling designs and are on average 250,000 square feet each. The projects utilize industrial water evaporative coolers and hot aisle containment to cool the equipment. Power rooms are also cooled using evaporative CRAH units and exhaust fans. Battery rooms and offices are all cooled with ductless split systems and packaged rooftop AHU’s and VAV’s.

Like all hyperscale data center clients, schedule and speed to market are critical to the continuing success of their business. Harris has recently completed over half a dozen projects for the owner and has been shortlisted by the owner to bid on the 60+ sites slated to be built in northern VA in the next three years. On every job to date, Harris has successfully prefabricated the process piping and cold-aisle ductwork and became the first mechanical contractor in our region to significantly beat this client’s schedule for one of their new builds.

Prefabrication is a key factor in the success of these projects. In one week, the Harris team is able to install 17 tractor trailer loads of prefabricated cold aisle duct to complete an entire 125,000 square-foot data hall. The team was also able to set and pipe out thirteen AHU’s and nine CRAH units in two days. The combined efforts of the Harris field and BIM teams resulted in a 6-week savings in the customers overall schedule on our last new build.

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average square footage
  • Location
    Various, VA
  • Owner
    Confidential Owner
  • General Contractor
    EE Reed, HITT Contracting Inc
  • Architect
    DJM Architecture LLC, Penney Design Group
  • Engineering Consultant
    Morrison Hershfield, Swanson Rink, Syska Hennessy Group
  • Market
  • Expertise
  • Delivery Method
    Plan + Spec
  • Scope
    BIM, Cost Estimating, HVAC, Insulation, Maintenance, Plumbing, Process Piping, Temperature Controls, Test and Balance
  • Completion Date
    In Progress