MDA/MDH Laboratory Building

Harris provided mechanical services for the new building that unites the Minnesota Departments of Agriculture and Health (MDA/MDH) in a single space. The project required the installation of 90,000 feet of piping. Since the building includes lab space, much of the piping had to be acid resistant to safely provide for chemical disposal. In addition, an acid neutralization tank was installed to facilitate in the dilution and neutralization of harmful wastes that are discharged from the laboratories.

Harris also provided Phoenix Controls for the building. The Phoenix equipment was purchased as a package which included the programming, operational verification and training. This project included BACnet integration to the central Honeywell system. Harris provided and installed all supporting controls for the air and water tempering systems.

Coordination with all subtrades and effective quality control was crucial in keeping the operating expenses low. Productivity was tracked on a constant basis, resulting in a successful project.

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square feet
  • Location
    St. Paul, MN
  • Owner
    State of Minnesota
  • General Contractor
    Shaw-Lundquist Associates Inc
  • Architect
  • Engineering Consultant
  • Market
  • Expertise
    Building Automation, Construction
  • Delivery Method
    Plan + Spec
  • Scope
    HVAC, Plumbing, Temperature Controls, Test and Balance
  • Completion Date